ISO Accreditations And What It Means For Your Company

An ISO Certification can be thought of as a ‘seal of approval’, earned when an organisation complies to one of the internationally recognised ISO management systems. UK IT Service has been awarded two ISO Certifications:

  • ISO 9001 -- for quality management
  • ISO 27001 -- for Information Security management

This demonstrates our ability, and commitment, to delivering a professional service that meets the expectations of our customers.

More on ISO Standards

ISO standards were developed by the ‘International Organisation for Standardisation’ --  an independent, non-governmental standard-setting body.

However, ISO do not carry out the certification process or issue certificates themselves. That’s the role of third-party Certification bodies.

There are two types of ISO recognition:

  1. Certification – the provision by an independent body of written assurance (a certificate) that the product, service or system in question meets specific requirements.
  2. Accreditation – the formal recognition by an independent body, generally known as an accreditation body, that a certification body operates according to international standards.

You can learn more about the ISO standards and recognitions from their official website here. Here’s more on our two Certifications.

ISO 9001 Certification

The ISO 9001 Certification is known as the ‘core standard’ that most of the other well-known standards are based on. It’s internationally recognised and heavily focused on customer service. It aims to ensure customers receive the service they want, at a time that’s relevant, for a cost that’s fair.

ISO 9001 benefits our customers through:

  • Price reductions – processes are streamlined without impacting service quality. In turn, this enables us to provide discounted services.
  • Performance – employees fully understand their roles within the organisation, and how to best deliver IT services to the highest possible standard.
  • Customer-focus -- our company understands both the current and future customer needs, and endeavours to exceed expectations at all times.
  • Continuous improvement – it’s our permanent objective to raise overall performance. This is, of course, essential for an IT Service which requires constant evolution and adaptation.

ISO 27001 Certification

Our second Certification is the ISO 27001, for Information Security Management. It’s essentially a checklist of controls, or “code of practice”. It defines how we manage & handle data and demonstrates how seriously we take information security within our business.
To be awarded with this Certification, UK IT had to demonstrate that we have appropriate security controls in place to protect the data that we are entrusted with -- at both our offices and external data centres.

ISO 27001 benefits our customers through:

  • Trust -- we’ve a proven track-record for the safeguarding of consumer data. This is essential to any growing SME.
  • Lasting relationships -- the 27001 Certification encourages holders to establish robust, long-term client relationships. We’re here for the long haul.
  • Reduced risk -- employing appropriate access controls significantly lowers the risk of accidental exposure of confidential/sensitive information to staff or other clients.
  • Consistency of service -- clearly defined employee roles and responsibilities helps to increase job satisfaction. Thus staff turnover is reduced and a higher quality of service is consistently maintained.

ISO Certification Accreditation IT Company 2

Professionalism & Commitment to Our Customers

Obtaining our ISO Certifications can be treated as a clear statement of UK IT’s intent: we wish to operate to a set framework in order to deliver a first-rate IT Service.
Indeed the ISO 9001 quality management system can be integrated into a variety of different services. But we believe that data protection, and your peace of mind, are vitally important when it comes to IT for small companies.
So we’ve taken the extra steps to obtain ISO 27001. This Certification, in conjunction with ISO 9001, promotes improved training and records, and ensures security breaches are keep to an absolute minimum. This sets SME’s on the pathway to sustained growth.
If you’re a business owner requiring IT to pursue challenging new goals, then no doubt you’ll need some form of advantage. Don’t fall down on technology. Take the hassle out of your IT by using an independently Certified service -- UK IT Service.

How do IT customer service standards and data security measures impact your growing business?


  • ISO Certifications are earned when an organisation complies to one of the internationally recognised ISO management systems.
  • Certifications are awarded by third party bodies -- not the ‘International Organisation for Standardisation’ themselves.
  • UK IT has been awarded two ISO Certifications:
    • ISO 9001, the “core standard”, focused on high-quality customer service.
    • ISO 27001, a “code of practice” for securely managing & handling data.
  • These Certifications are recognition of our high standards. They underline our commitment to providing IT services that aim to help SME’s grow.
  • ISO Accreditations
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If you are looking for a partner to tackle the IT challenges of today’s world, we will be glad to help you out. Browse or send us a message today with your enquiries.
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