Privacy Policy


Our privacy policy describes the information that we collect, outlines how we obtain that information and describes how we may use or disclose that information. It also describes the measures we take to protect your information and how you can contact us should you have any concerns about your privacy and our use of your personal data.

This Privacy Policy governs the manner in which UK IT Service collects, uses, maintains and discloses information collected from users (each, a “User”) of the website (“Site”). This privacy policy applies to the Site and all products and services offered by UK IT Service.

The Data Controller

UK IT Service is registered with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) as a data controller. UK IT Service has not appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) as we are not required to under GDPR article 37. The person responsible for data privacy is ultimately our Managing Director.

To contact us with regards to your privacy, please:

Write to us: Managing Director, UK IT Service, 7 Stean Street, London, E8 4ED

Email us:

UK IT Service is incorporated in England. Our company number is 06263199. Our registered office is at 30 Percy Street, London, W1T 2DB.

The Information that we gather and store

During the course of conducting business operations, UK IT Service collects, stores and processes specific personal data including, but not limited to:


What information we collect

Personal information relating to current, former and prospective employees.

We generally collect the following data:

  • Full Name
  • Email
  • Date of Birth
  • Phone
  • Postcode
  • CV
  • Marital Status
  • Sex
  • Vehicle Ownership
  • Passport Details
  • Bank Details
  • Next of Kin Name
  • Next of Kin Telephone Number

Why we collect that information

The main reason information is collected is for the purposes of performing human resource administration and recruitment, as well as for maintaining contact with our team in accordance with our business operations. Additional reasons for collecting your data are provided below.

Where we store that information

This data is currently stored and backed up in secure databases hosted in our UK based data centres.

Who has access to that information

Access to this information is restricted by role to key personnel to whom it relates. This includes our Human Resources Manager, Business Process Manager and Senior Leadership Team.

How long we hold that information

We will retain your personal information for as long as necessary, in accordance with all legal and regulatory requirements.


What information we collect

Personal information regarding current, former and prospective customers and their representative’s personal data. In addition to being provided with information by you, we may also obtain information about you from your colleagues or third parties, such as our group companies, vendors and service providers.

We generally collect the following data:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Title
  • Work Email Address
  • Work Phone Numbers
  • Work Address
  • Computer Usage Details
  • IP Address
  • Date of Birth

Why we collect that information

The main reason information is collected is for the purposes of providing services and support, maintaining customer relationships, business operations and the ongoing development of business activities. Additional reasons for collecting your data are provided below.

Where we store that information

This data is currently stored in our CRM, Marketing Automation and internally managed helpdesk systems. These are secure, fully encrypted systems that provide leading access restrictions. We rely on our providers to back up the systems and we back up our helpdesk solution internally.

Who has access to that information

Access to this information is restricted to our support, sales and marketing team, as well as our service providers. We do not share personal data with others unless required to do so by law.

How long we hold that information

Unless there is a specific legal requirement for us to keep the information, we will retain it for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the data was collected or for which it is to be further processed. We make reasonable efforts to keep the data we hold up-to-date and accurate.

Third Parties

What information we collect

Personal information relating to third parties, including vendors, partners and service providers, and their personnel.

We generally collect the following data:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Title
  • Work Email Address
  • Work Phone Numbers
  • Work Address

Why we collect that information

This is done for the purposes of managing and maintaining business operations and business relationships. Additional reasons for collecting your data are provided below.

Where we store that information

This data is currently stored and backed up in secure databases hosted in our UK based data centres.

Who has access to that information

Access to this information is restricted to our accounts and service teams.

How long we hold that information

Unless there is a specific legal requirement for us to keep the information, we will retain it for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the data was collected or for which it is to be further processed.

Systems we use to Process Personal Data

We use a number of systems to process data, including:

  • Servers, storage, networks and connections.
  • CCTV and access control systems.
  • Customer relationship management systems (CRM).
  • Marketing automation systems.
  • Communications systems.
  • Remote access systems.
  • Email and instant messaging systems.
  • Helpdesk system and support related tools.
  • Intranet and Internet systems.
  • Telephone, voicemail, mobile phone records.

Reasons to Process Personal Data

We process information about you for the following reasons:

  • Marketing our business.
  • Compliance with legal, regulatory and corporate governance obligations and good practice
  • Ensuring business policies are adhered to.
  • Ensuring the confidentiality of commercially sensitive information.
  • Statistical analysis.
  • Preventing unauthorised access and modifications to systems.
  • Processing customer or third-party data.
  • Analysing purchasing preferences and improving services.
  • Providing customer services.
  • Operational reasons, such as recording transactions, training and quality control.
  • Ensuring safe working practices, monitoring and managing staff access to systems and facilities.
  • Recording human resource information, such as staff administration and assessments, monitoring staff conduct and disciplinary matters.
  • Checking references.

Your Rights

You have the following rights:

The Right to Access

You can ask us to confirm what information that we hold about you at any time. You can then exercise your other rights to ensure that is either updated or deleted.

The Right to Erasure

You have the right to ask us to delete all of the information that we hold about you. Our ability to carry your wishes out will depend on the circumstances and any obligations that we have.

The Right to Restrict Processing

In some circumstances, you can ask us to stop using your personal details for the purposes noted. We will continue to store your data, but we will no longer use it.

The Right to Data Portability

You have the ability to request that we transfer your personal data to another data controller. We will provide you with your data in an acceptable machine-readable format.

The Right to Object

You have the right to object to us using your personal data in certain circumstances. We will respond appropriately to your request based on your circumstances.

Rights related to Automated Decision Making and Profiling

We generally don’t profile or use automated decision-making processes, but if we do, we are happy to revisit any decision manually.

At any point, should you feel that we are not responding to your rights requests in an appropriate manner, you can lodge a complaint with your local supervisory authority, which in the UK is the Information Commissioners Office (ICO).


We will use your data to notify you by post, email and other electronic means of relevant services, products and solutions that we feel will be of interest to you. As per your rights noted above, you can withdraw your consent for us to use your personal data for marketing purposes and any time by contacting us using our details listed below.


We use cookies to help us improve our Website. We may use cookies to obtain information about your general Internet usage and to:

  • Estimate our audience size and usage patterns.
  • Store information about your preferences, allowing us to customize our Website.
  • Recognise you when you return to our Website.
  • Track when you respond to our surveys.

The third parties that we use may use JavaScript to collect IP addresses from our Visitors and we may also collect server logs. Information gathered through these automated means may be associated with the personal information you previously submitted on our website.

Unless you have adjusted your browser setting so that it will refuse cookies, our system will issue cookies when you visit our website. You may refuse to accept cookies by activating the appropriate setting on your browser and you may also set your browser to alert you to when cookies are being sent. If you do so, please note that some parts of our website may then be inaccessible or function improperly.


We do not knowingly collect personal data relating to children under the age of 16. If you feel that we hold information about a child under your care as a parent or guardian then please contact us using our details below and request that we delete that data.


We may link to websites that are not owned or controlled by UK IT Service. As such, this privacy policy does not apply to information collected on any third party sites that may link to or be accessible from our website. We encourage you to read the privacy statements of each and every website that collects personally identifiable information about you.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

Data privacy is maturing and continually changing. UK IT Service regularly reviews our privacy policy and we reserve the right to update or change this privacy policy at any time. If this Privacy Policy changes in any way, we will place an updated version on this page.

Regularly reviewing this page ensures you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it and under what circumstances, if any, we will share it with other parties.


Please contact UK IT Service if you would like to correct, remove or request (in accordance with applicable law) information that we hold relating to you or if you have any questions in relation to the above. We will respond to any requests within one calendar month, in line with GDPR requirements.

Cardonet UK IT Service
7 Stean Street E8 4ED
020 3034 1059
Contact Us

This document was last updated on May 26, 2018

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UK IT Service - IT Support London | 7 Stean Street, London, E8 4ED, United Kingdom | 020 3034 1059
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